
About Me

My goal is to encourage more families to take the homeschooling plunge. It's a scary move but one you won't regret!

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Blog Designs by Sheila

Cotton Candy Mocha Kit: Haven Designz

Felt Cupcake by: Donna Griffin of Cute Designs

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My First Award! YAY!

I'm a total dork, I admit it...

I was given my first blog award and I'm completely clueless as to what I'm supposed to do, even with instructions. Heather may be sorry she chose

I guess I've figured it out.

So, Heather at The Penny Pinching Mama, thank you so much! I'm very flattered. You've given me my first blog award! Yay! If you're not already a follower of Heather's, please check her out for the best coupons, reviews and giveaways! She provides tons of useful information and she has the cutest little cupcakes on her blog...I LOVE cupcakes! Ha.
So now I get to pass this award on to some of my other favorites!
The Girl with Flour in her Hair at Peeling an orange with a screwdriver!
She's a stay at home mom of 3, like myself and a fellow cake decorator! Her blog is very entertaining and funny!
Leelou Blogs offers free premade blog templates that are wonderful! She also does custom made blog designs. Go over and check out her great stuff!
Beth at AntiSupermom is hilarious! Seriously, you need to check her out. She's a mom of 2 little boys and has the most amazing story of her experiences as a surrogate! Just amazing.
The rule for this award:
1. Add the logo to your blog
2. Link to the person from whom you've received the awards
3. Nominate blogs of your choice
4. Leave a message on the nominees blogs
Thanks again Heather and sorry for being such a dorkzilla!


  1. Well thank you very much!! I appreciate getting an award! I'll link you in my blog, for sure.

  2. Congratulations on the award! Isn't it fun winning awards? The mommy blogging community is so sweet!

  3. Following from MBC!

  4. I'm following from MBC - UNDER !00 group. I hope you'll check out and enjoy my blog at

    Best, Sarah

  5. Congrats on the award!!

    following you from MBC under 100 group..


  6. Congrats!!! :)

    I have an award for you too! Be sure to stop by my blog to claim it

  7. Congrats!!
    I found you from the MBC under 100 followers group! Please check out my new blog!
